Change settings for email receipt from issue status change

Deleted user September 24, 2018

Hello! We had a team-member who recently left who set up our Jira and Confluence install. None of us here now really know Jira set up and configuration, however we plan on spending some time on it Soon(TM).

An issue we are currently facing is that one user is getting emails on any change on a ticket, even one she is not tagged on or related to in any way. As she is in Marketing, we want her only to get emails for issues she's created or tagged in.

The other side is that I am not receiving all those emails that she is getting. As I am a developer, I want to see all the changes on the all the tickets (we are a very small shop and I need to keep abreast of changes).

I've clicked through all the settings pages in the Atlassian and Jira admin screens I can find, however I don't know where to change the email notification settings. I've also googled to no avail.

How do I change the email notification settings for Jira tickets?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 25, 2018

Hi there,

The configuration for notifications is on Jira settings > Projects > Projects > Select the project > Project settings > Notifications.

An issue we are currently facing is that one user is getting emails on any change on a ticket, even one she is not tagged on or related to in any way.

You must go to the project and click on "People" to check what role does she have, then click on "Notifications" and validate what notification is she receiving and remove her or the role she is part of, or also remove her from the role on "People".

The other side is that I am not receiving all those emails that she is getting.

You can check the configuration on "Notifications" and add yourself on the same notifications as she has. You can add "Single user" to add only you to receive the desired notification or add group/roles.

You can find more information on the link below:

- Creating a notification scheme

If you have any other question, please let us know.


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