Change or of projects in Advanced Roadmaps Create Issue Dropdown list

Chris O_Brien
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June 12, 2020

When using the Advanced Planning feature and creating issues using the ellipsis to add a child issue, projects are displayed in the order in which they were created, is there a way to display these in alphabetical order?

These screenshots are from example projects... but our roadmaps can have up to 20 teams, so an out of order list is a real pain.

Hopefully the example shows, but "KanBan Example" was the last project added to the roadmap, it should slot in alphabetically and not at the top. I can find nowhere to reorder that.

(I hope the answer is not remove all sources and then re-add them in proper alphabetical order each time)

Thanks for any help that can be provided on this silly, but very annoying issue.

Annotation 2020-06-12 133252.pngAnnotation 2020-06-12 133207.png


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