Cards sumiram após mudança de fluxo de trabalho

Deleted user February 22, 2024

Bom dia, pessoal.

Ao mudar o fluxo de trabalho de um projeto notei que parte dos cards desapareceram, mesmo fazendo o de/para de status entre o antigo e novo fluxo (uma das preocupações é de que isso tenha ocorrido com todos os projetos e ainda não identifiquei). Todos são projetos scrum e gerenciados pela empresa.

É possível ajustar o projeto ou recuperar esses cards?



3 answers

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Walter Buggenhout
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February 22, 2024

Hi @[deleted] and welcome to the Community!

I hope you don't mind me answering in English ...

Your issues won't have disappeared. If you change the workflow, that usually means you add and remove statuses. And - most likely - the new statuses you added are not mapped to columns on your (scrum or kanban) board.

So, on the board(s) where you are missing cards, navigate to Board Settings > Columns and look for statuses in the unmapped statuses column. Associate them with columns on the board, adding and removing columns if necessary. Once you've done that, your cards will appear on the board again.

Hope this helps!

Deleted user February 22, 2024

Hi @Walter Buggenhout!

This was exactly the point, the status of the cards lost their links, which was possible to do by adjusting the columns.

Thank you very much for your support and sorry for the language, I forgot!

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SOUSA Solange
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June 14, 2024

Comigo aconteceu após alterar o fluxo (inclusão de nova coluna), porém os cards que sumiram estavam associados à coluna Concluído. Está me parecendo um bug.

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Jack Brickey
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February 22, 2024

Hi @[deleted] ,

Nota: tradução aplicada aqui

Isso certamente pode acontecer dependendo das alterações que você fez e do filtro subjacente do seu conselho. Inspecione o filtro da placa e avalie as alterações feitas.

Como exemplo, digamos que seu filtro de placa inclui um determinado status e você altera o fluxo de trabalho para remover ou renomear o status. Neste caso, os problemas nesse status desapareceriam.

Se você compartilhar os detalhes do seu filtro de placa (copie e cole o filtro aqui) e o fluxo de trabalho, talvez eu possa fornecer mais completamente a causa.

Deleted user February 22, 2024

Hi, @Jack Brickey

 The problem was actually related to the status of the cards that lost their links, which was possible to do by adjusting the columns and of course, I inevitably had to adjust the filters.

Thank you very much for your support and sorry for the language, I forgot!

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Jack Brickey
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February 23, 2024

Consider accepting one of the presented answers if they indeed helped.

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