Cant find button to save a webhook

John Day
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June 17, 2020

I'm trying to create a webhook for MS Teams, and while i can fill everything out, there doesn't seem to be a button to save/add the finished webhook. What am I missing? The "Create a webhook" button I initially hit to bring up the detail interface is greyed out.

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Alexis Robert
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June 17, 2020

Hi @John Day , 


the "Create a webhook" button is greyed out once you are in the configuration menu for the webhook, you will need to click on the "Create" button at the bottom of the form : 

Screenshot 2020-06-17 at 10.54.45.png

Let me know if this helps, 



John Day
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 17, 2020

I facepalmed hard - had the window unmaximized, so the last few pixels on the page weren't visible. Found the button. Thanks for showing me where to look

Alexis Robert
Community Leader
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June 17, 2020

You're welcome ! Don't hesitate to mark this answer as Accepted so that others can find it later :)





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