Cannot Find Field to able to use as Component for Pie Chart

RickyJohn Martinez
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January 27, 2025

ANy Solution where I can use a field (like Project Code) to use as component in my Pie chart?
I cannot find the said Field but when I ran a search filter, I can find and use it to filter the list base on Project Code (to count how many cases I have per Project Code). The field is not a Custom Field so strange that I cannot use it my Pie Chart.
Anyone can advise me on this?

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Jack Brickey
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January 27, 2025

Hi @RickyJohn Martinez , I am unaware of such a system field. Custom fields can be used as a statistic in pie charts depending on the field type. Can you provide more details surrounding your inquiry? Are you using a company or team manage project? Can you research under the project settings and find this field? If it is a team manage project, you should be able to find the Field, under the issue type that uses the field. If it is company managed, then you can find it under the fields view under project settings. Feel free to share any screenshots that you think might assist me in helping you with this request.

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