Can you split notifications by issue type?

Stephen Langley November 8, 2011

We have several issue types in our Jira instance (Epic, Story, Task, Bug, etc.) I have been getting a lot of requests by our testers and developers to be able to receive notifications on Bugs only. Is this possible or does the notification rule apply to all issue types equally?

2 answers

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Florin Haszler _Alten Kepler_ November 8, 2011

This problem can be easily solved by sending e-mails only for bugs, by having a specific bugs' workflow and special

notifications on transitions or events by using sendEmail feature from JJUPIN plugin:

Here is the syntax of sendEmail:

Here is more advanced feature of using templates with sendEmail:

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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November 8, 2011

It is not possible in JIRA. See for details.

You can limit notifications for certain issue types in some cases by throwing different events in the workflows etc and not subscribing to those events.

See other suggestions on the above issue.

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