Can we perform transition/some operation through post function on status change in workflow?

Mamta Verma August 28, 2018

Can we perform any transition or any operation through post function when we change a status from A to B by directly clicking on statuses in Workflow?

2 answers

1 vote
Mamta Verma August 28, 2018

@Dave Bosman [Realdolmen] thanks for your quick response.

Is there any other possibilities to implement it other than Automation for JIRA plugin? 

Dave Bosman [Realdolmen]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 28, 2018

Hi @Mamta Verma

Scriptrunner could be an option but his will be a little more complex because you will have to write a groovy script. 

Depending on the stuff that you want to do it is possible there are other plugins available but those 2 are the only ones i use because they are the best plugins you will ever find. 

Both can do what you ask and so much more. 



Mamta Verma August 28, 2018

Actually I need to check if there are any chances to perform actions/post functions when I change status by clicking on status and not on transitions, since we apply post functions on transition it is possible through that ..

Is it that we MUST go through a transition to change status ?

I referred to one of the post answered by Nic Brough where he mentions the same.

Deleted user August 28, 2018

"Is it that we MUST go through a transition to change status ?"

Yes Mamta, that's by design. If two statuses are not linked by a transition (say A & B), you cannot move an issue from A to B (well, not without some type of code hacking, which I wouldn't do.)

Not sure what you are referencing when you talk about "clicking on status and not on transitions". If you can explain that it would help.

1 vote
Dave Bosman [Realdolmen]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 28, 2018

Hi @Mamta Verma

Yes you can. 

You can do it with Automation for jira



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