Can we add a Release Notes field and specify the audience?

Bill Schmidt January 3, 2018

In another system I used previously, we were able to add release notes directly to the Story and Bug tickets. We were also able to use a pick list to specify who the release notes would be applicable (Internal, External, Support, Sales, Training, Customers, etc.)

This way when the tickets were written so were the release notes. Then when we were ready to release we could pull all of the release notes at once for creating the appropriate documentation for the scheduled release.

Is there anything in Jira we could use for that?

3 answers

5 votes
Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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June 5, 2019

Do this:

  1. Add a new multi-line text type custom field, called "Release Notes" to the corresponding issue types. It will allow you entering the release notes for that given issues. (I assume that the release notes is the same, regardless the audience.)
  2. Create one saved filter per audience, which collects the issues to be included for that given audience: for internal, for external, for support, etc.
  3. Then use the Better PDF Exporter for Jira Cloud app to generate the document from the issues returned by the saved filter. You can easily customize the release notes template to take the text from the custom field you created in step 1.

That's it.


0 votes
Rising Star
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January 5, 2018

This would be a long way to achieve what you want.

Create 2 fields:

  • Select list to know who the release note is for
  • Release Note text area field

Since Jira's release note are based on version, you can run a JQL against the version and grab the field and the values out.

Bill Schmidt January 5, 2018

Thanks but I was under the impression custom fields can't be done on the cloud version.

August 31, 2021

Not true. We have many custom fields in our JIRA Cloud 

0 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 4, 2018

Jira does have a release note function, but it doesn't do a lot more than generate text or html from a set of standard fields.

It is however, one of only two things where Atlassian recommend changing the code - they have docs on editing the release note templates so that you can include your own custom fields like "release note for this bug".    (Assumes you are on Server, not Cloud)

Bill Schmidt January 4, 2018

Thanks for the response.

Unfortunately, we are on cloud.

It would be a great feature to have and a big time saver.

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