Can't search custom fields

Rodrigo Riveros April 3, 2024

Hello all, I have a new project I'm trying to work on and I'm having this issue:

I added a custom field and added it in the custom card


However, when I try to search for this field (in this case PR1234-1234) nothing is shown



In the "list" view, I also added it and it doesn't show



How can I search for these values on my issues?


1 answer

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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April 3, 2024

Hi @Rodrigo Riveros , it appears that you are trying to use the search box at the top of your list or board view to filter or all issues containing a certain value within your custom field. Is that correct? If so, unfortunately, that is not possible using the search feature. You can check the filter option on your board to see if your specific custom field is supported, in which case you could use the filter feature for this. Otherwise you could use the View all issues screen and great a JQL to perform the search.i

Rodrigo Riveros April 4, 2024

Hi! Thanks for your reply

But when I try to use the Issues tab, I have the same problem



Rodrigo Riveros April 4, 2024

Maybe a different question: Is there any way to acomplish what I'm looking for? I have 4 or 5 fields that I need to be searcheable in the issues (quote and order number for example). I tought of custom fields but maybe I'm wrong from the beggining



Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 4, 2024

Let me better understand your use case. How often will the value of this query change? Is it possible to use labels? Is there a static list of values?

Rodrigo Riveros April 5, 2024

Every card has it's own 5 (max) unique values, depending on the step they are on. Here is a example of some cards with only 1 number each.


It's a follow up board, and we need to visualize the documents for each card. Thats, quote, order number, shipment number, service ticket assigned and invoice. So a lot of unique numbers.



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