Can't find add project version

Dimitris Bozelos November 5, 2011

I have a new JIRA trial account and created a new project.

Might sound very basic, but I can't find the version section where you can see the versions of a project and add anew version. How do you create a version for the first time? All my issues now have to be unscheduled. I have checked the documentation which says that it should display in the project summary page in administration, but it is just not there.

Can't find how to create components either. Are there any limitations in the trial version?

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Bob Swift (personal)
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November 5, 2011

Project -> your project -> versions tab -> manage versions (on the right) -> enter information and then Add button

Dimitris Bozelos November 5, 2011

Got it under Project->your project->Agile->Versions->Add button on the right.

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airon-tark December 11, 2011

Like that:
Administration --> Issues --> Projects --> Your project --> Versions

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November 21, 2011

Unable to add version - I just started the trial version as well and do not see the "Add Button" on the right. I'm in agile, planning board, version. It just says "unscheduled" to the right of that. Only other buttons to the right are New Card, Views, Tools and Create New Issue.

Dimitris Bozelos November 21, 2011

Yeah, some things seem to be different in different version, it's like that in my company's installation. I think you'll be able to manage versions if you select your project from the top left, then select Administer project next to Agile, Then under Project / Settings in the JIRA Project line click Configure. You should be able to see Versions on the right column.

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