Can't create Programming projects, and any projects created are inaccessible and not on board

Spencer N March 4, 2019

Can't create Programming projects, and any projects created are inaccessible and not on board


I am running on a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS. I can do everything except create projects. And, on the types of projects available, I only have business projects, not programming ones.


In the past jira worked for me, on the same OS, but it's not working correctly on this installation. I'm not sure how to fix this. Any ideas or past experiences like this?



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Brant Schroeder
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March 4, 2019

Are you licensed for JIRA core or JIRA software?  If you have JIRA software are you creating a software project?

Spencer N March 4, 2019

I bought this one, so JIRA software not core, unless they come together: Jira Software (Server) 10 Users: Starter License


And I try to create a software project but it prompts me with the options for creating a business project. And when I click on one of those and follow through the screens, when I click the final button to create it, it ends up going to a stack trace page with "oops" in the title. I could copy the stack trace, but it's really really huge. Not sure if there is a character limit on here. 


But yeah, I can't create the software projects, and of the projects I can make, they don't get made properly in the background. 

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