Can't connect JIRA and Confluence Project

Community_Hub January 14, 2020

Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-14 um 12.40.06.png


I've tried to connect my JIRA project with a confluence project, but it's not working and I don't know why.

All I see is "Connection failed" and I'm not sure why.

My JIRA dn Confluence instance work. I'm able to access both with the same client session/browser session.


Did anybody else experience this? Any ideas how to resolve this?
Thanks :) 


2 answers

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Mike Bowen
Rising Star
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January 14, 2020

Okay @Community_Hub , Try it in reverse by doing the following:

  1. Go to your Confluence space, and on the sidebar, click Space settings > Integrations.
  2. Click the Application Links tab.
  3. Click Add Link, System JIRA (JIRA). 
  4. Enter the space key or space name, then click Create.
  5. Now go back to your Next-Gen project and connecting to the Confluence Space. 



Community_Hub January 14, 2020

Thanks, that didn't work as expected;)

I've run into an error here ( No Perm Error) , which I guess was also the reason for the issue.

Once the error was resolved by clicking on "Administration"

Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-14 um 15.38.14.png


it worked as expected.
BTW regarding your step 3, the JIRA link was already there.

Thanks for the heads up.

0 votes
Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 14, 2020

Hi @Community_Hub 

How are you getting to the step that produced the screenshot? If you could describe the steps that would be useful. Also is your project a classic or Next Gen project? 

Also worth confirming under Project Settings - Features (assuming a Next-gen project is in play), Do you have Pages turned on? (Create, share and collaborate on all your project docs in one place. Requires Confluence by Atlassian).



Community_Hub January 14, 2020

My Project is a next gen project.

Inside the jira project I've clicked on "Pages" and "Connect a Space". This will open the above form, where I've tried to select the existing project and which then  results in the error.


Bildschirmfoto 2020-01-14 um 14.30.31.png

The connection works def. because I'm able to create a new confluence project from the form, only connecting to an existing project fails unfortunately

Gustavo Gassmann
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That is happening to me too, but my project isn't a Next Gen. It isn't my first project linked with confluence, but It is the first I try to link after create a space on confluence.
I went to confluence and add Jira project as a link integration and made too on Jira, but both don't solved the issue. 

Do you know other options to try? 

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