Can not delete or move issues

robinPVS buhrPVS February 26, 2018


we have installed  confluence and jira on the same Ubuntu-Server, using mySQL as database. Everything is working fine so far. The only problem is when I try to move or delete an exisiting jira iussue. Jira drops the following error message:


Technische Details
Verweisnummer des Protokolls: 5653bd06-4944-4f91-a725-98606e200570


com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.lexorank.LexoRankIntegrityException: Expected exactly 2 rows; the maximum marker row and the lowest ranked row for rank field[id=10005]
com.atlassian.greenhopper.manager.lexorank.LexoRankIntegrityException: Expected exactly 2 rows; the maximum marker row and the lowest ranked row for rank field[id=10005]


Reffering to this articel I should contact the atlassian-support.

Could please somebody advise, how to proceed in this case.




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Francesc Arbó
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February 26, 2018

Hi @robinPVS buhrPVS,

You can try what's explained in this Atlassian article. If you try yo delete or move the issue, this is reindexed so, maybe, this article can apply to you.

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