Can not assign a user to a project role

Vaghanisha Lack January 23, 2012

I have followed instructions on but I wasn't succesful

I also have the permissions to Browse users so that' not the case.


When I am in project and I try to add single user to project role is ahows no matches, but when I add by group it can find groups.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance


2 answers

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Christian Czaia _Decadis AG_
Rising Star
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January 24, 2012

Is the user you want to add in the jira-users group? We had the problem in confluence. Users were administered in specific groups via Active Directory but somebody must have missed to add them to the "users" group

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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January 24, 2012

Does the user exist at all? Go to Admin -> Users and check they exist. Are they showing up in other screens? Is it limited to one particular user, or all of them? Do you have a lot of users? Is it just the automatic matching that's broken?

Vaghanisha Lack January 24, 2012

Matching dosen't work for individual user even that user exist but matching works for groups.The same problem accours for all projects.

Jon Sword
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January 24, 2012

I saw a similar issue just the other day - a restart fixed it.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 24, 2012

... Is it limited to one particular user, or all of them? Do you have a lot of users? Is it just the automatic matching that's broken?

Vaghanisha Lack January 24, 2012

We have tried restart but it didn't help. We have 47 users. I do not know id Automatic matching is broken looks like it might be.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 24, 2012

Ok, the "automatic matching" is the function where it tries to guess user names as you begin to type. There's a limit in most (all?) Jira versions that use it to prevent it chewing up too many resources, and if you've got more than that many users, it turns itself off. 47 users is nowhere near the 5000 limit though, so it's not that.

It does sound like the permission to "browse users" is not functioning to me, but you've ruled that out in the original question.

I think you can disable matching completely in the (or config UI in the later versions) - have you customised that file in any way?

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