Can i remove the user name from watcher list

Thangavel VELUCHAMY November 29, 2018

I need to remove the user name from the watcher list, his\her name is persist as a watcher of the ticket more over 500 tickets.

 Is there any way to mass change the tickets to remove him as a watcher?

 Thank you!

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Fazila Ashraf
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November 29, 2018

Hi @Thangavel VELUCHAMY

Not you, but the user who needs to be removed from the watchers list can do it themselves easily.

All they have to do is pull all the issues giving the criteria in the issue navigator and do bulk change on those issues  (Tools > Bulk Change) and then select Stop Watching.

Thangavel VELUCHAMY November 29, 2018

Hi @Fazila Ashraf

Thanks for your Message, Is there any other options to make the changes from our end.

Deleted user November 29, 2018

Hi @Thangavel VELUCHAMY,

By using the " JIRA Command Line Interface (CLI)" add-on you can remove the users from the watchers list.

For that, Please combine the "runfromcsv" and "removewatchers" actions together. Follow the How to use runFromCsv page & Here is some of the examples page.

Kishore Kumar Gangavath.

Thangavel VELUCHAMY November 29, 2018

Hi @[deleted]


Thank you so much



0 votes
Deleted user November 29, 2018


Hi @Thangavel VELUCHAMY,

By using the " JIRA Command Line Interface (CLI)" add-on you can remove the users from the watchers list. 

For that, Please combine the "runfromcsv" and "removewatchers" actions together.  Follow the  How to use runFromCsv page & Here is some of the examples page.

Kishore Kumar Gangavath.

0 votes
Deleted user November 29, 2018

Hi @Thangavel VELUCHAMY,

By using the " JIRA Command Line Interface (CLI)" add-on you can remove the users from the watchers list. 

For that, Please combine the "runfromcsv" and "removewatchers" actions together.  Follow the  How to use runFromCsv page & Here is some of the examples page.

Kishore Kumar Gangavath.

0 votes
Deleted user November 29, 2018

Hi @Thangavel VELUCHAMY,

By using the " JIRA Command Line Interface (CLI)" add-on you can remove the users from the watchers list. 

For that, Please combine the "runfromcsv" and "removewatchers" actions together.  Follow the  How to use runFromCsv page & Here is some of the examples page.

Kishore Kumar Gangavath.

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