Can Story Point be configured to use in the Jira statistic/pivot gadget so that we can total story points?

Karie Kelly
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April 3, 2012

Has anyone figured out how you can use a jira gadget to total story points for a specified attribute (e.g. fixed for version, type, etc)? This would be really helpful to have on dashboards to capture scoping and planned velocity or backlog scope.

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Renjith Pillai
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April 5, 2012

That is exactly Greenhopper is designed for. When you plan using Greenhopper, it automatically shows the aggregated story points per version (or at sprint granularity also). Also when you release a version from GH, it captures the snapshot of how much was planned and how much was completed. And the chart boards show exactly this story point burn down for release projection.

Karie Kelly
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April 8, 2012

We do utilize Greenhopper for planning; however, in reviewing the Greenhopper gadgets, I don't see any one that provides what I'm looking for. The progress one by version only indicates the number of issues - it doesn't display the total story points.

Similar to the issue statistic or pivot gadgets, I was needing a gadget that had for each version for a given project (e.g like roadmap goes out and retrieves those due in the next configured days), how many story points are associated with that version and then, preferably, how many are in each status. For the issue statistics, it's a count of items by each status and version; it would be extremly helpful to have a dashboard gadget that provides this same overview, but totals story points by each status and version.

With over a dozen project sprints going on simultaneously and having to report on velocity for a month (which is a couple of dozen sprints), we have to drill into each project to locate this information.

From what I see, this information is only available when you are in Greenhopper and you expand visibility to view the version details. And the only story point totals are in the last section; all other totals are counts (to do, in progress, resolved, etc.)

If there is a gadget already available, and I'm just overlooking it, I would appreciate guidance on which one it is. Or, is it something that is not available for OnDemand users?

Thanks again!

Renjith Pillai
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April 9, 2012
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Brandon Ditto
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November 1, 2013

I am also trying to view Assignee by Story Points. I'm able to set up the Issue Statistics widget by Assignee, but it shows total stories by assignee, not total story points by assignee. I'm familiar with the burn-down chart widgets and the story board in Agile, but I need a dashboard widget to report on resource workload.


Christopher Penkin November 16, 2014

Is this possible yet?

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