Can I move combined sprints into a new project?

Iris Nkuna November 14, 2024

Hello community, I recently created a combined sprint board consisting of 3 sprints from 3 different projects within one of the existing projects. The aim is to move this board with the combined sprints into a new project, how do I proceed with that?

3 answers

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Iris Nkuna November 14, 2024

Trudy, I have figured it out. Thank you.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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November 15, 2024

Can you share what you did?

I don't think I have fully understood what you meant to accomplish. If you explain your solution that would help me understand.

0 votes
Iris Nkuna November 14, 2024

Hello Trudy,

I have 3 projects, lets call them project1, project2, project3. These 3 projects have boards within them consisting of that respective project's sprint. I created a board that combined 3 sprints from these different projects. Which means that, I currently have a board that consists of sprints from different projects. My question was, is it possible to create a new project that I would move this new board into? 

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 14, 2024

Hello @Iris Nkuna 

What is the result you are trying to achieve? How do you expect the sprints or board to be different after the move?

Boards have a Location option that allows you to associate them with a Project, but the board is not "in" the project. Boards select issues based on filters. Filters can reference any number of projects.

Sprints also are not "in" a project. A sprint is created in a Scrum board, but the sprint can appear in multiple boards. Sprints are not limited to only having issues from the board in which the sprint was created. Issues from outside that scope can technically be added to the Sprints. Because of this a given Sprint will appear in any Scrum board where the board's filter encompasses at least one issue in the sprint.

Given all that, in order to provide you with advice on how to proceed, we need to better understand the end result you are trying to achieve.

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