Can I grant permission for fields separately for each user?

Chayoung Kim June 15, 2023

I did a search, but the answers were hard to understand.

We are using jira software for cloud, we are using one project by multiple teams in our company.



1. I don't want other team members to be able to change certain field values.
- I don't want other team members inexperienced in certain field roles to change at will.


2. When changing a certain workflow, I want the workflow to not change unless there is a specific field value.
- Example: When the field (target version) is not entered, it cannot be changed to workflow (done).

2 answers

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Tansu Akdeniz
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June 15, 2023

Hi @Chayoung Kim 

1- It is related with Issue Type Edit Screen (projects settings -> screens). If you add field to this screen and user has Edit Issue permission (projects settings -> permission scheme). Than, he/she can edit all fields available in this screen. There is no field-based edit permission.

Workaround: Let's say there is a field called A and only admins should edit it. You can remove field A from Edit screen. Than, in workflow, create a transition (with a screen includes field A) which goes to itself and add condition for specific people.

2- You can either add condition or validation to the transition that goes to Done status.

Chayoung Kim June 20, 2023

@Tansu Akdeniz 

First of all thank you for your reply.
1. It's a pity that you can't set it based on the field. We need to set permissions for the entire field.
2. Could you further explain what condition and validation to the transition? (for workflow other-> done)

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Chayoung Kim June 15, 2023

Thank you for letting us know about the 3rd-party method.

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