Can I change the output settings from XML to a different format?

Melanie Rogers May 31, 2012

We recently upgraded to Office 2010 and our group policy blocks the opening of XML files due to security concerns. Since JIRA exports as XML but tags as xls, it appears to Save as a spreadsheet but is really an XML file. Is there a file to modify the output default settings?

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Renjith Pillai
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May 31, 2012

Actually the downloaded file from Jira is not XML rather html. So if you okay with a bit of mouse clicks, you can do the below workaround to open in Excel 2010.

Rename the downloaded .xls as .html. Open the file in Internet Explorer. Right click the displayed table and say, 'Export to Excel'. You should have the data now in Excel (You will lose the formatting and the HTML links to issues).

Melanie Rogers May 31, 2012

Renjith, that worked! Thank you. I am working with the security team to allow XML/HTML but that will take some time. Thanks again, Melanie

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 31, 2012

Um, it has to be xml, or it's not an xml output and can't be read. If you look carefully at the files that are downloaded, you'll actually find they're named as office files already.

I'm not aware of anything that would generate the files as though they had been saved by Office 2010, so I'm afraid you'll probably have to write it for yourself. I don't know how "open" a format it is. The point of xml is that it's commonly readable, and not allowing the opening of xml files on modern computers is basically a bit silly (it's certainly pointless as a security measure)

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