Can I automatically send emails to specific people once a risk threshold is met?

Martin Johnson
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May 31, 2020


I'd like to know if it's possible to:

  • automatically inform project stakeholders
  • via email
  • of risks and issues
  • as they're logged
  • using predetermined thresholds

e.g. If I log a:

  • 'low risk' item, no-one will receive an email,
  • 'medium risk' item, my manager will be emailed with the information in Jira
  • 'high risk' item, my general manager will get the corresponding email
  • and when the risk is resolved, the corresponding stakeholders will be notified as well.

I've looked at automation in Jira, but don't know how to articulate this in the rules; I really appreciate anyone's help on this.



1 answer

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Margus _SoftComply_ June 1, 2020



Automation its a good place to start. First you can have multiple simple rules also. You do not have to make complex row of "if this then that". Thus for example take each use case as separate rule. Then its easy to test and maintain.

For example:

- first rule is to send out notifcations to "high risk class" 

- create new rule with trigger "when issue is created" ( I expect that you have this risk class value already filled in while the issue is created).  If not then its not a big issue also. Just add then also one rule with "field value changed" trigger (and monitor the risk class field value change).

- second add condition. For each rule you can have different condition. For example "issue field condition" that defines something like this - risk class equals high.

- third step add action that sends out notification. There are many ways to do that: send emails, add necessary people to watchers, add comments. Which ever makes sense in your case.


and thats it!


Its also pretty easy to implement actually with jira filters and subscriptions as one solution. Its kinda old school approach and not as flexible as automation though. There are some more advanced solutions also by using workflow conditions, events and notifications. But I guess filters and subscriptions are alse easy to begin with.


Thus for filter subscriptions:

- make different search queries e.g. "find all the issues with high risk class".

- save and share those search queries.

- then you can subscribe people or groups to this search query. 

- In general this search query is executed as often as you tell it and then if something is found it will be sent out to people who you asked.



SoftComply Risk Manager


ps read more about risk management software at

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