CSV import : Status field failed

Salim Hammar October 18, 2022


I have a problem when importing a ticket in CSV using the "External System Import" option.

At the field mapping level, I select the status field in the "issue fields" category, but the import does not map the correct status to me, yet the status does exist in the workflow, but it does not give me the correct status, it puts the "NEW" status.

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Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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October 18, 2022

Hi @Salim Hammar 

I assume you click "map field value" checkbox for status column in the wizard. In the final page, you should see the corresponding csv status name and Jira status if status names match expectedly. If not, Jira will create new status. 

Salim Hammar October 18, 2022

Ah yes it works ;) Thankss , no I never clicked on this option it always worked without, thank you very much anyway ;)

A small question concerning the "security level" field, I can't find it in the "issue field" category, is that normal?

Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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October 18, 2022

You are welcome!! There is an open ticket for security level import JRASERVER-64636. You can vote and watch.

Salim Hammar October 19, 2022

Hi @Tansu Akdeniz  i'm test when i clicked in the "map field value" but it's not work soory have you idea ?

Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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October 19, 2022

What is the error? If possible, please share a screenshot.

Salim Hammar October 19, 2022

Hi @Tansu Akdeniz  i don't have a error in the logs he don't set the correct status in the issue jira

Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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October 19, 2022

I mean did you appropriately map the status and csv columns in the last page? In which step you faced an error? Also, after the csv import, there is a button to see import logs in UI.

There should be a similar page for status mapping.

Ekran Resmi 2022-10-19 12.54.44.png

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Maitrey Patel
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May 22, 2024

I was facing the same issue and found that, there was a custom field with the same name "Status". I renamed it for a while and imported CSV again. Magic happens :)

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