CSV Import for project

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January 8, 2025

In non-cloud Jira we were able to import a CSV of tickets. But what I'm reading on Jira cloud is this feature is no longer available to Project Owners. Is that correct? Do I need to open a JSM task to have a Jira Cloud admin import tasks for our team?

🤦🏼‍♀️ I found the "Import Issues from CSV" in the Issues table ••• overflow menu


alt: screenshot of overflow menu

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Dan Breyen
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January 8, 2025

Hi @lfrancell welcome to the community!  Looks like you beat me to it!  Here's an article from Atlassian on Importing Issues with a CSV file.

Hope that's what you're looking for!  

There were several other articles I found here on the community if you need more assistance!


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