CSV Import : Line break

Peter Velroyen July 20, 2022

When importing from a CSV file into JIRA tickets, is it possible to include a line break in a text that also appears as a line break again in the JIRA ticket? (Attempts with \n\r or <br> were unsuccessful).

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Peter Velroyen July 20, 2022

Hi @Jack Brickey I tested the following values in my CSV File, but in JIRA Ticket there is all in the same line.

"First Line  \\ second line" 

"First Line (two spaces)

second line" 

"First Line  \n\r second line"

"First Line  <br>second line"

Mir O_ March 26, 2024

It works for me without the "", just like this:
First line
\\ Second line
\\ Third line

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Jack Brickey
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July 20, 2022

Hi @Peter Velroyen , welcome to the community.

I am unsure if you have seen the following post but it might assist you in your efforts. Convert-Line-Break-Character-to-Line-Break-in-Description 

Jack Brickey
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July 20, 2022

I haven't attempted myself. If I get some time today I will give it a go.

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Ivan Lima
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July 20, 2022

Even though I’ve imported data from CSV several times, I always come across scenarios where the data ends up not getting imported the way I expect, and I have to spend time to figure stuff out. Personally, CSV import is the last resource—unless it’s simple enough.

My two cents:

One way I found to go about CSV imports that have been working well for me it’s using VS Code with the Edit CSV extension. I’ll leave the Extension ID (janisdd.vscode-edit-csv) for your reference if you want to test it out.

CSV (plain text)

Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 10.14.23 AM.png

CSV (Edit CSV Extension)

Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 10.15.19 AM.png

I import it using the External System Import. This way, I don't usually have issues with line breaks. You can give it a try.


Peter Velroyen July 21, 2022

Ivan, thank you, I will try....

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