Burndown Chart for several projects

Deleted user July 19, 2018

I have got several teams working in separat "jira-projects". It is possible that several teams are working on one project together, each having their own stories in their separat "jira-projects". Now let's say we work on "Project-A", we have created a "fixversion" called "Project-A" as workaround to build dashboards that show the process of the project within all teams. I would now like to build a "Burndown" chart that shows me all stories with "fixversion" "Project-A", in order to see the burndown chart of all tickets.

Is that possible ?

2 answers

1 vote
Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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July 19, 2018

As far as I know, the input data for a Burndown Chart is defined by a sprint in the world of Jira Software.

It means, you could eventually model each team in a separate sprint, and maybe synchronize the start- and end-times among the multiple sprints. It could work, but it's a bit awkward.

Deleted user July 23, 2018

And there is no other way to do this ?

  • Burndown chart of "these stories" with "these criteria" 

Would be a nice extension if not possible yet. Being able to create burndown charts of a set of stories. For example Burndown chart by "fixVersion", which would help my case. Burndown chart by a specific "label" etc.

I think it would be really helpful, because I am stuck now. 

Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 30, 2018

As a matter of fact, the PDF View Plugin has a template that implements a custom rendered burndown chart. Its logic is fully customizable, but by default it iterates over the passed set of issues, checks their resolution date and compares that to a predefined time period.

As it can receive any set of issues as input, it can receive the issues with the same fix version easily.

Maybe you can customize this to your needs.

See the sample.


0 votes
Danut M _StonikByte_
Atlassian Partner
June 5, 2019

Hi Patrick,

You can do this with our Great Gadgets add-on (available for both Jira Server and Jira Cloud).

It offers a "Release Burndown Burnup" dashboard gadget that is based on a filter. All you have to do is to create a filter that includes the issues from all your teams/projects and configure the gadget to use it. This way you will have a cross-teams or cross-projects Burndown Chart.

More details about how to configure it can be found in the add-ons documentation: https://bitbucket.org/StonikByte/great-gadgets-add-on/wiki/Home#!release-burnup-burndown-chart 


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