Bulk remove label from issues?

Rising Star
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October 11, 2011

Is there a way to bulk remove a label, i.e. remove it from the label field in all the issues it's attached to?

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 15, 2012

This can be done easily by adding a search to find all issues matching the label, then bulk selecting via the tools menu. Select edit issues and select the label check box, leaving the label blank. Remember to turn off email notification by unchecking the box.

Jeremy Johnson
I'm New Here
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June 18, 2012

This has the side effect of removing all labels from the issues. It would be nice to be able to delete specific labels and keep any others.

Matt Stephens June 27, 2018

fyi, we're on server 7.9.2 and there is an option under bulk to 'Find and remove these' which then let's you enter the label(s) you want to remove.  It only removes those ones.

0 votes
Anatoly Spektor May 14, 2020

I agree with the suggested answer, if you better consume information by watching, I have created a video walkthrough, hope it helps:


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Mark Symons
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 18, 2012

It would be nice to be able to do all sorts of things when it comes to label management. I think that this issue, JRA-26128, covers the bases. I cast my vote for it a couple of months ago.

Matt Stephens June 27, 2018

fyi, we're on server 7.9.2 and there is an option under bulk to 'Find and remove these' which then let's you enter the label(s) you want to remove.  It only removes those ones.

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