Bulk create projects via csv

Simon Rasmussen
May 27, 2021


I have been searching for information on how to create projects in jira using the bulk csv import feature, but I cannot find a solution for this. 

What I am looking for is possibility to create X projects, with Y epics, and N issues, using a csv file. Does anyone know if this is possible?


project A - Epic A - issue A

project A - Epic B - Issue B

project A - Epic B - isuee C

project B - Epic A - issue A

project C - Epic C - Issue B

project C - Epic B - isuee C



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Tushar Bhatia
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2021

Hey @Simon Rasmussen this support article shows you how to import via CSV -https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/docs/import-data-from-a-csv-file/

Hope it helps.  

Simon Rasmussen
May 29, 2021

Thanks @Tushar Bhatia I have tried following the section “Importing issues into multiple JIRA projects” but this seems to require the projects are allready created.

I am looking for a way to create the project in the csv import. 
have you seen a Way to Do this?

or is this only possible using webservices and the API?

Tushar Bhatia
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 29, 2021

During the setup section, make sure you check "Defined in CSV" instead of import to project and it will add relevant data to the project you specify.

It will also automatically create projects if they're not already created. You will need to specify the Project Name, Project Key and Project Type. 

Options for Project Type are (case sensitive):

software, business and service_desk

I just tested and it worked with this sample CSV: 

IssueType, Summary, Project Name, Project Key, Project Type
bug, "First issue", Sample, SAMP, software
bug, "Second issue", Sample, SAMP, software
task, "Third issue", Example, EXAM, software
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Simon Rasmussen
May 29, 2021

Awesome @Tushar Bhatia thanks. I will try this. 

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Simon Rasmussen
May 30, 2021

So I have done a little testing and found that most of what I am looking to do works. 

I imported:

IssueType;Summary;projectName;projectKey;projectType;Debitor;debitorNr;ordreNr;Description;issue Key;Epic link;template;Category

 this created new projects, with the epic and linked epic tasks I was after. 

However allthough the import log has an attribute for project template, I am not able to choose this in the csv mapping. the last attibute is template=null, I was hoping to set this to template=[project Key for my template project]

Created Project: ExternalProject{id='null', key='UN', externalName='null', name='Unique North', type='software', template='null'} successfully

csv import.JPG

I also tried adding the category in csv, however I could not find mapping for this either. 


Would it just be easier to import using JSON if it can handle all these things?

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Hi @Tushar Bhatia Where do I find the checkbox "Defined in CSV" in the setup section?

I would like to create projects, epic and stories all at once using bulk import. 




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Trudy Claspill
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May 27, 2021

I have not actually tried it, but I have seen posts that it is possible. Have you tried including Project Name and Project Key as columns in your import data, and using a Configuration File for the field mapping?

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