Bug? Support button missing from Jira OnDemand. Sure seems like one.

Ken Shih February 6, 2012

You used to be able to get support directly from JiraStudio. This would submit ticket to Jira along with context information. This appears to no longer available. Coming to this forum or having to repeat information and going directly to support.jira.com (or whatever it is, i'll search for here) is very inconvienent.

Anyway, that missing button should be considered a bug/regression. Any plans of bringing it back?


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Michael Knight
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 6, 2012

We don't have plans to bring it back. We don't actually need the context provided by this form (it is only useful for the self-hosted applications).

The new screen encourages use of Answers, which is often a better way to get an answer to a question, either by discovering it's already been answered or by levergaing the active community. It's usually faster than waiting for a support engineer to personally pick up the case.

There's also no need to repeat information since you can opt to automatically post your support.atlassian.com question to Answers (althought his feature is currently temporarily disabled while we address some performance issues associated with it).

Ken Shih February 6, 2012

that's too bad. thanks for your answer.

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