Bug ?? : Kanban backlog - Two groups with same name

Jeff Raymond April 28, 2020

When I drag a status (namely "Nouvelles DDC") within the left panel (in board parameters page) so I may see the tickets from that status, I see two groups in the kanban backlog.

The first group is all my tickets which have the status of "backlog"

The second group is all my tickets which have the status of "Nouvelles DDC". But the trick is that the two goups have the same name...



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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 12, 2020

Hi Jeff,

I think I understand the problem here in regards to seeing the term backlog twice.  I believe this is happening because you also have a column (and status) by that same name on this board.

That far left column is a special one that you can find on Kanban boards.  This term is a feature we call Kanplan.  More details in https://www.atlassian.com/agile/kanban/kanplan and Use your kanban backlog.

Any status that you drag into that special 'Backlog Kanban' column will always show itself as being Backlog regardless of the actual name of status.  That part is by design. The thing to note is that the only place you can see that Backlog Kanban is in the backlog view.  You won't see it on the Board itself.

Instead of having a separate Backlog column on this board, I think you might find it would be better to move that other status of 'Backlog' into the Kanban backlog on the far left, and then remove that other Backlog column from the board entirely.  This way you could avoid having two Backlog terms appear on that backlog view.

Does this help?  I'm interested to better understand your expectations around this feature and how you'd prefer to see it work.



Jeff Raymond May 12, 2020

Thank you Andy for your feedback.

As you said, no matter what I place in terms of status into the Backlog Kanban Column, it will always show me a group with the tickets of the far left column in the board and another group for the backlog items (of the project).

Let say my far left column is for "ToDo" tickets (not backlog tickets). And then I place only "Completed" tickets in the Backlog Kanban Column.

Then I will have one group with the "Todo" tickets and another group with both "Backlog" & "Completed" tickets. Huh!?

I understand it's by design, but I don't find it really intuitive. And it doesn't fill our need to choose whatever statuses to be displayed in the groups of the Kanban Backlog screen.

Here, we have one project with several boards. One board for each teams within the project. One backlog for the entire project and one backlog for each team.  This is the way we planned our work,

Here's our flow :

  1. Ticket is created. It takes the backlog status at project level.
  2. Manager assign a backlog ticket to a team. Ticket takes the "Planned" status.
  3. Team assign the ticket to a resource. Ticket takes  "ToDo" status.
  4. The resource starts the work. Ticket takes the "InProgress" status.
  5. The resource finish the work. Ticket takes the "Completed" status.

It would have been great to have only the "Planned" tickets in our Kanban Backlog for the team (into a single group) without the project backlog tickets and the ToDo tickets from the Team (first column) into other groups.

I hope I have well explained our need. ;-) 

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