Boards and how to change them to Agile

Colleen Eccles February 18, 2021

Hi all, 
I am doing a training course on Jira and one thing that has confused me is that i cannot see a way to change the boards within our system from a classic board to an AGILE one,  I am set up as an admin user
We also use Jira Service - would that change any of my settings?

any pointers would be appreciated 

thanks :) 

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John Funk
Community Leader
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February 18, 2021

Hi Colleen - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

The quick answer is that you cannot change board types. You have to create a new board with the appropriate type. Same with projects. 

Colleen Eccles February 18, 2021

Thanks John, loving this site

My projects only seem to allow me to have one board which again is not what i have seen so am i setting the project up wrong?  

currently set up as a project management template so is that where i am going wrong?

John Funk
Community Leader
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February 18, 2021

Actually, you can create as many boards as you like. The functionality will depend on your project type. What type of project is it? 

Colleen Eccles February 18, 2021

We have a different project by client for all their outstanding issues and currently its set up in a simple 

To Do, In Progress,  Client Review, Reopened, Done 


But i would love to get Sprints in as we do have SLA's to respond to work and currently we all just have massives amounts in our To Do list rather than a backlog 

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 18, 2021

Just go to the List of Boards and click on Create Board. 

Then Choose Scrum Board

Then Choose Board from an Existing Project

Colleen Eccles February 21, 2021

thanks but we dont seem to have a list of boards so looking online it seems that we have set up projects up incorrectly as business so just trying to sort that 

John Funk
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 21, 2021

You DO have a list of boards :-)

Go to

where you replace YourDomain with your domain.  

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