Board that shows a label?

Markus February 12, 2020

We would like to create a board that shows all the issues which have a specific label no matter what project they are in. 


We tried:

  • "Project = ProjectWhereBoardShouldBe or labels = TheLabel" -> Doesnt work because then all the issues within the project show up
  • "labels = TheLabel" -> Also doesnt work because the board doesnt show up in the project where it should be
  • "Project = ProjectWhereBoardShouldBe and labels = TheLabel" -> Also doesnt work because then the issues from the other projects with the label dont show up

How to do this?

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Thomas Magny-Garcia
Rising Star
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February 12, 2020

Hi @Markus ,

I would say that your second test should be the good one but maybe you need to add all possible projects in the list of shared projects :Capture.PNG


So I think you need all projects in which the issue may be created, which in exhaustive way but I don't know another way.

Hope it helps!

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