Automation which concerns linked issue

Janneke April 30, 2019


I would like to add an automation which get triggered when a linked issue is updated.
For example:

Ticket number 1 is related to ticket number 2. A colleague comments on ticket number 2. When this happens, the status of ticket number 1 should be changed.

Is this possible?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 2, 2019

Hi Janneke,

It's possible to achieve this using an add-on like Automation for Jira. Currently, the built-in automation in Jira Service Desk does not provide the triggers to copy a comment.
There is a free version that you can use and check if it helps.
You can use the options below:

Screenshot 2019-05-02_16-59-30.png

Hope this helps!


Janneke May 6, 2019

Thanks for your help, Angélica.

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