Automation using pull-request status as a condition is not working

Alejandra Renteria
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May 16, 2024

I created a scheduled automation to push tickets with merged PRs into a Ready to Test status. The rule is failing because Jira's smart value is being applied. Anyone know why? 


Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 12.18.57 PM.png

Ticket shows PR is merged but Jira does not use it for automation. 

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 12.20.07 PM.png

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Mikael Sandberg
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May 16, 2024

Hi @Alejandra Renteria,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

You are correct regarding the smart value you are using, currently there are no smart values for the development information in an issue. What tool are you using for pull requests? Bitbucket? Github?

Automation does have triggers of dev ops actions like pull request merged that you could try instead of the scheduled one, or another option would be to use workflow triggers

Alejandra Renteria
I'm New Here
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May 16, 2024

We're using Git Hub and I guess I am confused because the Pull Request information is available on the ticket as a Development field. 


Why would it filter properly? 

Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 12.20.07 PM.png

Mikael Sandberg
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May 16, 2024

Yes, the information is there, but it is not stored with the issue itself so you cannot use smart values for it. Jira is getting the information from Github, and it is the issue key that is linking it all together. 

You could use this JQL in the scheduled trigger:

development[pullrequests].all >= 1 AND development[pullrequests].open = 0 AND status = "In progress"

This should give you all issues that have at least one pull request that is merged and status is in progress. Just change the status part to the status that comes before your Ready to test status.

And as I mentioned above, this can be done via a workflow trigger instead of an automation, that way the issue will be transitioned as soon as the pull request is merged instead of having to wait for the scheduled automation.

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