Automation rule for version

rmethaji June 12, 2020


I have a use case where I want to get weekly email or notification for all the pending releases in the projects that I am managing. Is there a way to schedule an automation rule to run once a week that would get me the summary?

eg I have project A with pending release 1 and release 2, Project B with pending release 3 and Project C with pending release 4 and 5. 

I want to set up an automation rule to send an email to me on a weekly bases on the status so I can get a snap shot of all my releases. 

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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June 12, 2020

Hi @rmethaji 

Are you able to write a JQL query for what you want to know?  If so, create the query/filter, save it, and then subscribe so it emails you once a week.

Here is the documentation on subscribing:

Best regards,


rmethaji June 15, 2020


I am not able to figure out how to get JQL query for versions. I have to run it for the issues and so if I have 10 issues in a version. I end up getting 10 emails with status for that version. Ideally I only want one email with the status for all versions that I am managing but I can live with one email per version. The problem I am facing is if I create a rule for version then I can not schedule it to run weekly. I have to trigger it on create, delete or update of the version and if I create a rule to trigger on schedule I am not able to use the branch rule for 'issue fixed in version' so the rule triggers for each issue. 

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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June 15, 2020

Hi @rmethaji 

Thanks for clarifying.  The issues you note is why I suggested creating a query and subscribing to it.  For example:

project IN (MyProjectA, MyProjectB) AND fixVersion IN unReleasedVersions() ORDER BY Key

Please see this documentation for more information on advanced searching functions, such as unReleasedVersions()

rmethaji June 15, 2020

Thanks a lot Bill


This helps me a lot in getting the query close to what I want but the problem I have is that he query still returns list list of issues. I want to get the list of versions. Is there a way I can run group by for the query so I get a list of all the versions and then get the release dates for those versions. This way I can send an email to the mangers with a list of pending releases and their release dates. 


Right now since the schedule queries are returning issues and not versions. I am not able to do it. So I guess what I need is a group by funciton or a way to query versions in jql instead of issues. 

Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 15, 2020

Short version is that you cannot do exactly what you want with out-of-the-box JIRA.

JIRA's JQL is not SQL.  It is unlikely that Atlassian will make it so; there are marketplace vendors who have products to fill the gaps in JIRA and JQL.

If you want to investigate additional query add-ons, they do appear to have GROUP BY clause support.  Without add-ons, you can use rules to watch the versions and subscribed JQL queries to get issue updates.

Another approach might be to use the REST API functions to pull the data and versions from JIRA.  You can probably get most of what you want from there, but you will need to parse the resulting JSON to get the data.

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