Automation rename tasks based on epic summary in next-gen project. Impossible?

Deleted user July 7, 2020

In a classic project you can automatically rename all the tasks within an epic by doing this :


The result is that everytime you create a task ex : "task 01" inside it's parent "epic 2020" it will be automatically renamed

"Epic 2020 - Task 01"

Now doing the same thing in a next-gen project yields the result :

 " - Task 01"

Where it will not fetch the epic summary. I know in next gen we talk about parent issue and not linked epic. But doing the same {{parent.summary}} - {{summary}} will not work.

Can someone pitch in?

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Deleted user July 15, 2020

For next-gen projects the smart values to be used are the following:

{{parent.summary}} - {{issue.summary}}

This is because the connection between Epic and Tasks/Stories on Next-Gen projects follows a parent/child relationship, similar to what happens with Tasks/Sub-tasks.

However, besides using the mentioned smart values, you'll need to add a Re-fetch action right after the Issue Created trigger.

This action will update the issue's data inside your rule and avoid any delay to block the Edit action to happen.

Besides that, since for Classic projects you must use {{epic.summary}} and for Next-Gen projects you need to use {{parent.summary}}, you'll need to:

  • Create two separated rules, one to each project;
  • Create a unique rule with an IF/ELSE block condition as shown below and set the value in Edit Issue fields action considering if the project is or not a Next-Gen one. Through this, Automation will apply the correct smart values depending on the project to the issue is part of:

Credit : Ilenice from the Atlassian Support team


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Atlassian Team
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July 14, 2020

Hi Alex,

Is this being done on issue create? Sometimes when we receive the event, the relationship hasn't been established yet, so we can't find the Epic.



Deleted user July 15, 2020

It is not.

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