Automation for Version Release Trigger

Johannes May 17, 2023

Hey guys,

right now I try to find a way to create an automation for the following:

Everytime, a version (in project: SCRUM) is released, I want to check each single issue of this version if its status is done and if so to set its related (is cloned by) issue (in project SUP) to done.

How can I do this?

Kind regards,


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John Funk
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May 23, 2023

Hi Johannes,

Can you post the rule that you have so far and what is not working with it? 

Johannes May 24, 2023

Hey @John Funk , thank you very much for the quick response.


The problem so far is, that for my understanding I have to combine two branches:

1. for adressing the issues in the current version from my trigger "version released"    

     therefore I used either the "for issues fixed in version" branch or a "for JQL" branch,          both seemed to work.

Screenshot 2023-05-24 090311.png


2. for adressing the related (is cloned by) issue in another project.

Screenshot 2.png



Unfortunately after creating a branch,within this I can just create an action or a condition, but not another branch.

Is there a way to create this kind of rule?


kind regards

John Funk
Community Leader
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May 24, 2023

Okay, if I understand it correctly, you probably want to use lookupIssues instead of the first branch. Then use the values returned from the lookupIssues in the bottom branch. 

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Johannes May 24, 2023

I tried this, but an error occurred:

Screenshot 3.png


Screenshot 4.png

Can you help me with that?

ALSO: In case of using lookupissues, what can I do to look up fore more than 100 issues?

Johannes May 30, 2023

@John Funk Could you help me again, please :) ?

Johannes June 6, 2023

@Bill SheboyDo you have any idea?

Kind regards,


Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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June 6, 2023

Hi @Johannes 

First thing: if you believe you will have more than 100 issues in the release (and so more than 100 in the lookup issues result), this rule may run into processing limits.  I recommend doing the math first to determine if this rule is possible. do what you ask, you cannot use the Linked Issues branch AND source that from Lookup Issues results...and nesting branches is not possible.  Instead try one of these two work-arounds:

Brute-force with Dynamic JQL: Write some JQL which would find linked issues for the ones in the release.  Test that with example issues.  Now use your lookup issues to iterate and create a dynamic JQL statement.  DISCLAIMER: With this much JQL this rule may not work with automation, and certainly it will be challenging to test/debug/maintain.

Divide-and-conquer: Rather than do this all in one rule, use 2 rules...where the first rule iterates over the issues in the release, and changes them with a comment or field change.  Next your second rule detects that for each issue, and then updates its own linked issues, as needed.  The second rule will need the "Allow Rule Trigger" option enable so one rule can trigger the other.

Kind regards,

Johannes June 7, 2023

Thank you very much @Bill Sheboy , you helped me a lot!

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