Automation for Jira does not detect conditions (issue created, issue transitioned) that it creates

Rob Horan
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 30, 2019

I have a fairly complicated need here.  I have an Epic that is being moved through the workflow.  At one point I need the following to happen:

  • Rules have been set up to create several story (standard issue type) tickets, each copying data from selected fields within the Epic.
  • Separate rules have been set up to detect issue creation with JQL that matches the story tickets created in the previous step, and then create linked subtaks.

The first rule works well.  The second rule fails to run.

This is not the only thing I have seen. 

I had another create issue rule set up for issue transition - a transition that was the result of another rule.  The transition rule worked but the create issue rule never saw the transition.

How can I create rules that rely on other rules?

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Deleted user May 1, 2019

Hey there Robert,

Rules can't be triggered from other rules by default (so you don't create infinite loops accidentally)

You can allow rules to fire other rules by checking the box ""Check to allow other rule actions to trigger this rule. Only enable this if you need this rule to execute in response to another rule." in the rule details page

Hope that helps!


Mark C

Rob Horan
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 1, 2019

Thanks - I discovered the "Allow rule trigger" box after I created this post.  Its not documented at all in the user guide, and it is not really made very obvious within the UI. 

Rules triggered by other rules REALLY needs it's own separate chapter in the guide and a separate entry in troubleshooting, along with a warning about things like needing the Linked Issues field on the create screen so that creating links for linked issues doesn't silently fail with no feedback in the audit trail whatsoever.

Deleted user May 1, 2019

Thanks for the feedback Robert.

We've definitely had some feedback around the dependent rule triggering part. We'll see what we can do!


Mark C

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