Automation for Jira - condition when value change on custom field from specific value to another

Yuval Zaltz April 9, 2024

Using Automation for Jira version 9.0.3 on Jira Data Center 9.12 

I want to set a field value if a value changes on another field (single select custom field)  

from one specific value to another specific value.

Can this be done with Automation for jira?

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Ste Wright
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April 9, 2024

Hi @Yuval Zaltz 

You can do this using the "Advanced Compare Condition"

For example...

  • I have a field, called Field 1
  • It has options A, B, C and D
  • The rule should activate if the field is modified from B > D
  • If this happens, edit Field 2


Rule would look something like this...

  • Trigger: Field value changed
    • Fields to monitor = Field 1
  • Condition: Advanced compare condition
    • Field value = {{#changelog.Field 1}}{{fromString}}{{/}}
    • Condition = equals
    • Second value = B
  • Condition: Advanced compare condition
    • Field value = {{#changelog.Field 1}}{{toString}}{{/}}
    • Condition = equals
    • Second value = D
  • Action: Edit Issue
    • Field = Field 2
      • Value = <value here>


The rule is comparing what happened to the field via the change log - i.e what the value was before the rule was triggered, and what it is now.

Let us know if this works for you :)


Yuval Zaltz April 9, 2024

Hi Sta and thanks for the prompt response and quick solution.
was able to implement with a minor change in what you wrote:

  • Trigger: Field value changed
    • Fields to monitor = Field 1
  • Condition: Advanced compare condition
    • Field value = {{#changelog.Field 1}}{{fromString}}{{/Field 1}}
    • Condition = equals
    • Second value = B
  • Condition: Advanced compare condition
    • Field value = {{#changelog.Field 1}}{{toString}}{{/Field 1}}
    • Condition = equals
    • Second value = D
  • Action: Edit Issue
    • Field = Field 2
      • Value = <value here>
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Dexter de Vera
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April 9, 2024

Hi @Yuval Zaltz ,

Yes, you can. try this sample process in automation:

When: Field value changed - select the field that will trigger the automation (your single select custom field)

Condition: If/Else block - add condition - Issue field condition - select the field - equals - value - Then: Edit field - select the field you want to update.

Add Else block - do the same (condition then edit field)

Add Else block - do the same (condition then edit field)

so on and so forth.

Hope it helps!

Yuval Zaltz April 9, 2024


Dexter de Vera
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April 9, 2024

Use smart value condition instead of issue field condition.

add smart value condition in if - {{fieldChange.fromString}}  = A

and issue field condition - X  = D

This will check if the value of X is A before changing  to D

Then you may apply the same depending on the "from" and "to" you want to check

If X = from A and X= D

Else if: X=from B and X = D

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