Automation email to assignees with list of assigned issues

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January 2, 2025

Good afternoon,

I’ve scouted all over for this and the best I have found is:

However, when following this step by step I get the below error message within the automation rules audit log:


”the provided smart value couldn’t be resolved to an object”


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



3 answers

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Trudy Claspill
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January 2, 2025

Hello @CB 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Can you please provide a screen image that shows the complete output from the rule execution Audit Log so we can identify the smart value that is causing the problem?

Can you also provide screen images showing the details of each step where you use a smart value? Sometimes there are subtle typos that are overlooked which can impact the resolution of a smart value. Smart values can be case and space sensitive. If you don't have the case and spacing correct, then they may be unresolvable.

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Manoj Gangwar
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January 2, 2025

@CB Welcome to the community!

Please share the automation rule that you have created.

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January 2, 2025

Hi @Manoj Gangwar


I’m following this exactly:

but presented with the error mentioned within my question.



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Dustin M_
January 2, 2025

Hey good morning @CB ! 

What do you envision the email to be sent out to the Assignees via this possible Automation going to provide that wouldn't already be available within a Service Desk Queue, Kanban Board, Scrum Board, or a simple Dashboard visualization based on currentUser()? If I understand your use case better, I may be able to help you accomplish your goals with an Automation, or maybe enlighten you with alternate approaches to increase Assignee awareness of the work that they're assigned. 

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January 2, 2025

Hi @Dustin M_

Thanks for the response. 

The purpose for this is to send an email on a schedule every Monday morning to assignees when their issues due date is approaching. This is to make it as easy as possible for users to stay on track with deadlines. 

So essentially, every Monday I want an email to go out to assignees with a list of their individual issues where their issue due date is approaching. 


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Dustin M_
January 2, 2025

Here's something you may want to consider...

Instead of making the automation premised on the assignee, make it premised on the date field of consequence. That should make it way more sustainable IMHO.

Schedule it once a week like you want to, but look for something like...

  • Project in (PROJECT_KEY) AND "end_date_field" > now() AND "end_date_field" <= 7d  AND statusCategory NOT IN (Done)
    • The above JQL, is looking for any work out there that is due in 7 days or less. 
    • If you wanted to add one more parameter, you could always wrap it all in parenthesis, and append it all with "AND assignee IS NOT EMPTY". That would ensure you always have an assignee value.

 Then, have your automation just update the date field you want it to using a smart value.

  • Example Smart Value:
    • {{now.convertToTimeZone(issue.reporter.timeZone)}}

Then, you could have your automation send an email using the smart value for assignee, which is simply {{assginee}}.


Hoping this works for you. Mind you, I am on a Data Center Instance, so it's possible there may be some stuff that doesn't quite translate to cloud version. Lastly, I'd definitely recommend considering alternate approaches to disseminating the assignee information. There are a lot of great ways to do so with Jira Dashboard Gadgets, Boards, Confluence Macros, and otherwise that can put the onus on the assignee to proactively find this information where it can always be referenced. If you make it premised on the assignee being "currentUser()", it'll always be accurate for whomever is looking at the page :). 

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