Automation due date = started date + original estimate

Laurence Fortin
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March 8, 2024



I'm trying to create an automation rule that set the stated date as today and the due date as (started dating + original estimate (h)). 

The first half is pretty simple, but I'm struggling with the part of the due date: I've set the due date with this line:


But with a started date of mars 8, 2024 and a 6h estimated, the result is August 25, 2026 with makes no sense. 


Can you please help

2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
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March 8, 2024

Hi @Laurence Fortin -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

A possible smart value to use for this scenario is:


And so adding to {{now}} would be this, with a default value of 0 just in case:


That would be in calendar / clock time, and not in working time.


Is this what you actually want?  If not, consider dividing your time in seconds into whole days and use plusBusinessDays() for the addition.

Kind regards,

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Florian Bonniec
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March 8, 2024

HI @Laurence Fortin 


I think you have to use issue.timeoriginalestimate.



Laurence Fortin
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 8, 2024

Hi @Florian Bonniec

Thanks, but i have the same result with {{now.plusHours(issue.timeoriginalestimate)}} 

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