Automatically change assignee when changing status

Yana Barsegyan November 15, 2019

Hi guys,


The tickets we assign to the client have the status Done. The client usually reopens the tickets using the appropriate status and at the same time, he wants it to automatically change the assignee (from him to the required developer). 


Could you please advise if this is even possible?



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Jack Brickey
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November 15, 2019


I am assuming the client has full access and permissions to transition and assign issues. If not please elaborate on the situation further. What I recommend is that you add a transition screen called say “reassign” and include the assignee field. Edit the workflow and add that screen to the reopen transition. Add a validation that requires that the assignee field be updated. Publish the workflow. Note, the one possible downside of this is if the client changes the assignee before transitioning the issue then it will get messy since they will still be required to modify the assignee. So they would need to cancel the transition, change the assignee back to themselves or some user other than the desired one then perform the transition and set the desired assignee.

Yana Barsegyan November 15, 2019

Hi Jack, 


Thanks for your response! Yep, the client has full access and permissions. He doesn't want to waste his time clicking on any buttons like choosing the assignee or anything else - he wants it to be done automatically when he changes the status from done to reopened. 

Thanks again for your help!

Jack Brickey
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November 15, 2019

Ok, so is the reassignment done to the previous assignee and if so will this always be the case? If so I recommend creating a custom user picker field called say “developer”. When resolving the issue copy the current assignee to the “developer” field using a post function. Then add a post function to the reopen transition to copy the developer value to the assignee. 

Pro tip: you may want to further automate by naming the custom field “previous assignee” and setup you transition post functions to ping-pong between the developer and client.

Yana Barsegyan November 15, 2019

Great, this is at least something we can handle on our own later. Thanks a lot for your help!

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November 15, 2019
  1. Log in as a user with the JIRA application administrator global permission.
  2. Click the cog icon from the top bar and select JIRA Administration > Issues, then Workflows (in the left pane)
  3. Click View on the targeted workflow 
  4. Click the name of the desired transition 
  5. Enter the post-function tab
  6. Click Add Post Function
  7. Select Update Issue field
  8. Add
  9. Select Assignee in the Issue Field
  10. Start typing the username in the Field Value text box or click the Select a User icon beside the text box and select the desired user and click Add.
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 15, 2019

You want to “edit” rather than view workflow. In any event the limitation here is that it is a static single user. If the issue is to always be assigned to the same person this will work.

November 15, 2019

If You Have the Any Grop like  developer You Can assign that Group That time Also It Will Helps to you  @Yana Barsegyan @Jack Brickey 

Yana Barsegyan November 15, 2019

@PVS  thanks a lot for your prompt response! I'm not sure that the problem described in the article matches mine. 

When an issue is transitioned to "In Progress", you may want the issue to be automatically assigned to the person who transitions it. 

I really like the idea about groups - will try it out

November 15, 2019

Ok Any Ware It's Working If he has Acces To that Transaction  @Yana Barsegyan 

Jovanka Jovicic December 25, 2023

Hello @Jack Brickey @PVS


I have similar situation and would like if possible you to advise me how to setup up an automation rule in JIRA. This is scenario: Dev is doing implementation and status of issue is Work in Progress, then goes to Ready for Testing and we have a rule that ticket is not assigned. Then available QA pick up the issue, assign to him and move issue to Testing status. Next status is Tested and issue is assign to QA team member.

I would like when issue goes to Tested status to make a rule to be assign back to Developer. Is it possible to setup? Thanks!



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