Automatically assign tempo account based on customer request type

Simon Sahli
June 30, 2023

Hej Atlassian community,

I am trying to automatically set a the Tempo account field (see printscreen) depending on a customer request type that defines it.
I know that it is possible to set values on the customer request type for fields (we have this working for category, which is a Jira field).
However when I try to set a value for the tempo account field it does not save it. I can SET the value but it does not save it. There is no error message or anything it just does not work.

Is it not possible to set this field because it is a tempo field and not a Jira field? Or is there anything else I need to configure to make this work?

And if it is not possible like that, what would be the best alternative to achieve linking a customer request type automatically to a Tempo account?

Keep in mind that we are currently on Jira Server but we change to Jira Cloud this year, so if you tell me this is easy to do with Jira Cloud then I might wait after the migration to implement such a solution.

Thanks in advance!







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June 30, 2023

Hi @Simon Sahli


I haven't tried setting tempo accounts this way but it should work. Have you checked if the accounts are linked to your project?


Another way of doing it would be using automation for Jira.


I hope that helps.





Simon Sahli
July 3, 2023

Hi @Melo

yes the accounts are linked to the project, but they still are not saved after setting them!
Could you do a test perhaps to validate if this really works for you?

I have tried the automation (Legacy automation in Jira Server) and it does not let me "Edit" the account field of Tempo. I cannot choose the field, only the normal Jira fields (account ID is not the right field):



Do you know if this might work with Jira Cloud automation?

Kind regards,

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July 3, 2023

Hi @Simon Sahli,

Yes, legacy automation would not handle it. In this case, I use Automation for Jira. It would work in both DC and Cloud.

Setting the default value on the JSM (DC) Service request configuration works on my end, but only when creating requests through the portal. That may be the problem you have.

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