Automated Issue Rules won't stop running

aschwarz May 7, 2024

I have removed all automation rules, and the site confirms there are no rules setup, but issue continue to be created and emailed.  Since I cannot see any rules in place I am unable to delete or disable the rules that are running.  These rules are also showing up within the Audit screen.  Is there somewhere I can turn these rules off?

2 answers

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Dexter de Vera
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May 7, 2024

Hi @aschwarz ,

Welcome to the Atlassian community,

Base on you description, you want to know why issue automatically created in your project. Can you try to check first the ticket created then look at the history to see if who created it. And can we ask for the screenshot of Audit log.


aschwarz May 7, 2024

Automation Audit 5.7.pngAutomation Rules 5.7.png

aschwarz May 7, 2024

Automation Audit Screen 5.7.png

Dexter de Vera
Community Leader
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May 7, 2024

Can you switch the scope to All rules.

aschwarz May 7, 2024

The rules that are under scope of All Rules are unrelated to my project.  They are global rules for another team within the company.  Due to privacy I don't feel comfortable sharing those here.  

Dexter de Vera
Community Leader
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May 7, 2024

like I said before can you screenshot the a sample ticket that is generated automatically.

check the history and automation like this. Its possible that the ticket created via email, user or automation.


aschwarz May 8, 2024

Automation History 5.8.png

Dexter de Vera
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May 8, 2024

Base on the history the issue was created lastweek. Is the auto create issue still happening till now? 

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Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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May 7, 2024

Welcome to the community, @aschwarz. First, may we assume that you are the site administrator?

And note that email notifications are different from automation rules. They are a built-in feature of Jira.

Maybe if we had a bit more information about how you think new issues are being created and why you think an automation rule is involved?

Barring that, I suggest you open a support ticket with Atlassian.



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