Automate the transition of a release to the status 'Release'

Deleted user December 22, 2020

We've created a project 'Releases' which contains all stories to initiate the deployment process of a released software product. Each story is linked to the project and the corresponding release. My aim is to automatically set the status of the release either to 'Release' or 'Archive' depending on the outcome of release story. Is this possible by using 'automation for JIRA'?

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Walter Buggenhout
Community Leader
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December 22, 2020

Hi @[deleted],

Automation does have a Release version action available, so that should be possible:

Screenshot 2020-12-22 at 14.18.08.png 

You could also work the other way around. There's also a trigger version released that allows that may allow you to close related issues after you release the version.

I'd suggest you look into the complexity of your setup and try some things out and see what works best.

Deleted user December 29, 2020

Hi @Walter Buggenhout ,

I finally found the time to create the automation rule. I've got to work but I'm wondering if I can make it more efficient. In the 'Release Version'-step I must select the specific project 'KEN'. Leaving it to the current project leads into failing the rule.

Do you have any tips to resolve this otherwise the rule will become very complex because we quite a lot of projects. 


Walter Buggenhout
Community Leader
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December 30, 2020

Hi @[deleted],

Yes, that makes sense as releases are specific to a Jira project. As you start your process from the RM project, current project refers to RM which does not have your KEN (or other) releases in them. It doesn't seem as if you can dynamically select projects from the list there so you will have to add separate conditions for each project, which you seem to have discovered already. You could create a feature request with Atlassian support to make the project selection dynamic based on variables (link to support), but no garanties on if and when that may be implemented. 

That is also why I suggested in my initial response to look at the other angle of things. Namely that you release manually and update the status of the release issue in your RM project automatically after the release. It will take some extra clicks to get there, but probably make your automation rule less complex. 

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