Automate - Linked issue - Subtasks

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May 10, 2024

I would like to create an automatization to add the same linked issues to the subtask than the task itself. Is there a possibility? 

Background we link the contracts (project) with the "Child of" Connection. Subtasks not. 

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Trudy Claspill
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May 10, 2024

Hello @Stefanie 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!

When do you want this to occur?

- Only when the subtask is initially created?

- Whenever another link is added to the parent issue?

What if ...?

- a link is removed from the parent issue?

- the subtask is moved to a different parent issue?

- the subtask is converted to a standard task and is no longer a subtask?

Do you use the "child of" link type only when linking a Contract? Are Contracts a unique issue type?

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May 10, 2024

Thank you for your quick answer. The best case scenario would be following. 

Trigger: creation of the subtask - no updates after the creation needed. 

What if conditions are not needed in our case - the link can stay as initally assigned at the time of the creation. 

There are 3 Types off issues we are using depending on the type of contractissues.jpeg


Trudy Claspill
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May 10, 2024

In the parents of subtasks is the "child of" link used only to link to those three issue types?

Is any other link type used to link parents of subtasks to those three issue types?

With those two questions I'm trying to discern if the automation could

- look simply for any type of link to those three issue types, or

- look for any issues linked by "child of", or

- if there need to use conditions in the automation to limit the search to linked issues of link type "child of" where the linked issues are only of those three types.

Also, are all these issues in the same project, or are you creating links across projects?

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