Auto update custom field Earned Value

Bhushan Kanekar March 25, 2019

Hi Team,


I want to create a Auto update Custom field where in the function is 

If custom field "Actual End date" is less then today then custom field EV = 1

3 answers

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Nikki Zavadska _Appfire_
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July 22, 2021

Hi @Bhushan Kanekar ,

I think you should be able to achieve this with the Automation for Jira that is available on Jira Cloud by default.

Here is an example of automation setup you could do:

Setup the automation trigger as "Scheduled". You can choose to run this daily, I think that should be enough in your case.

Screenshot 2021-07-22 at 10.47.48.png

Then add a issue condition to check that your date field you want to use (in your case Actual end date) is before the time of execution.

Screenshot 2021-07-22 at 10.49.27.png

And then as an action choose "Edit the field" and edit your EV field to value 1. If EV is the custom field you might just need to use an advanced option to edit the field and use the following JSON:

    "EV": 1

Screenshot 2021-07-22 at 10.52.44.png

With this automation, the EV field will get updated on daily basis. Every time your Actual due date is before the current date the EV value is set as 1.


I hope this helps!


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Josh July 6, 2021

Hi, why not install an app that does the entire Earned Value Management calculations instead? Please try this one: Aneto Project Accounting System with Earned Value Management 




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Alexey Matveev
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March 25, 2019


You would need an app for it. There are multiple apps available, for example, Power Custom Fields Premium and ScriptRunner.

If you want to use the Power Custom Fields Premium app, then you could create a custom field with a code like this:

if (#{Actual End Data} < currentDate()) {

 return 1;


else {

  return 0;


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