Audit log error

Sinisa Glusac
September 29, 2022

Screenshot 2022-09-30 085613.pngHi,

I've created one automation in my sandbox that includes multiple projects, but I keep getting an error in the audit log. However, automation works all the time perfectly, I just want to get rid of the error. Automation adds a specific value to the "labels" field for all projects that are linked with the parent link. The error is:

"(issuekey = and project in (ALGI, FER, AMA, WO)) AND (project in (10019,10018,10020,10033,10014))" - Error in JQL Query: Expecting either a value, list or function but got 'and'. You must surround 'and' in quotation marks to use it as a value. (line 1, character 14).

Please find attached the screenshot of the automation and error message. I tried many different combinations, and also googled a lot, but without success. Please advise. Thank you in advance.



Screenshot 2022-09-29 183514.png

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Patricia Francezi
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 30, 2022

Good day @Sinisa Glusac 

I see your jql in this part 

(issuekey = and project in

you have "= and"

issuekey should be a issuekey number, not a operator AND. 

Sinisa Glusac
October 4, 2022

Hi @Patricia Francezi , thank you for your answer! I'm quite new in Jira, and not sure that I understood your solution, can you, please, give me some example? Thank you in advance. 

Patricia Francezi
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 6, 2022

Hi! No problem

Your JQL is incorret


in this example:

((issuekey = Bugs AND project in (ALGI, FER, AMA, WO))


after operator = is expected to have a VALUE, and not a clause. project in (... is a new clause and not a value. 

The value is Bug, or Story or any issue type you want to have that.

as in project in the values are ALGI, FER, etc... 

I hope I had clarified now, and if not, let me know. 

ALso refer to those kbs

Sinisa Glusac
October 6, 2022

Ok, I will test to see if works, thank you

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