Atlassian CLI: persistent login when using the JIRA CLI

Amol Deshmukh
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July 7, 2011

I'm wondering if there's a way to not have to supply the password with every invocation of the command. I see that there is a "--action login" which returns a token, but when I try to use the token with "--login" option, it still requires me to specify a "--password" which I find a bit odd. I thought I could use the token as a form of cookie with further requests so that I would not be required to specify the password every time.

(edit: I looked up the SOAP API since first posting this question)

The SOAP API seems to use the login token just like a cookie, meaning there is no need to provide a password on every subsequent invokation if the login token is provided (and presumably, active). (Ref: )

Is this a bug in the CLI or perhaps I'm not using the options right. Any help on this is appreciated.


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Bob Swift (personal)
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July 7, 2011
  1. Normally, you should put your user and password in jira.bat or (or similarly for atlassian.bat or
  2. The SOAP login token can be saved and re-used, in this case the password is ignored - even though it is still required - use blank for instance
  3. To re-use the SOAP login token, you can use either --login as you mentioned or -l or --loginFromStandardInput with redirection operator < for instance
  4. Some actions use non-SOAP interfaces. These require a valid password.
Amol Deshmukh
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 7, 2011


Thanks. Yes, entering a dummy password (#2) works and solves my problem.

(For security reasons, #1 is not suitable for my scenario - JIRA auth is integrated with our network security and I wouldn't want to put in my network password in plain text in a file. I can tolerate putting the token in a file since at the most, the damage would be limited to someone accessing my JIRA session - not impersonating me on the network in general)

~ amol

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