Assigning different screens to different groups

Beat Schaffner BS
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November 16, 2011

How do I assign different screens to different groups. E.g. I would like users who enter an issue to only have Summary and Description fields while a developer should have much more fields to fill in.

2 answers

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Rising Star
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November 16, 2011

Another approach could be to have multiple edit transitions in your workflow, e.g. one for developer, one for end users. You can use workflow conditions to make the transitions accessible for developer or for end users only.

You could name the transition "Add more information". The transitions would lead back into the same state and the transition screen would contain more or less custom fields depending on if it's the transition for developer or end users.

To make things clearer you could restrict the Edit permission to project administrators only. Thus the usual edit screen might show all fields since it could only be edited by the project administrator.

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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November 16, 2011

Workflow operation is the workaround mentioned in the other answer ;)

Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 16, 2011

Sorry, Jobin, you are right. Should have read that better before

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 16, 2011

Oh don't worry, you have explained it much better :)

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 16, 2011

You can't restrict field level editing using permissions. Here is a recent question simialr to this:

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