Asset Discovery Error

Parvaneh Zand
Rising Star
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May 25, 2024

Running discovery on CentOS with protocols SNMP or SSH, I encountered the following error every time:

$ mono Discovery.exe

[Normal] --------------- Start Discovery (7.0.1 - 088DD) scan ---------------
[Normal] ScanSetting: 00004 with entire Range:
[Normal] Generating list of IP's to scan from range:
[Normal] Getting 1 IP's to scan.
[Debug] Credential file is available, trying to decrypt saved credentials
[Debug] Decrypt credentials was started
[Debug] Decrypt credentials was successful
[Debug] Start initializing of Asset Scanner
[Debug] Initializing Asset Scanner was successful
[Normal] Start Scan Thread: 00004 IP: TaskID: 0000000001
[Normal] Start Scan Thread: 00004 IP: TaskID: 0000000001
[Debug] Start getting HostInfo.
[Normal] Start Scan:
[Normal] Ping --> Success ResponseTime=1ms TTL=128
[Debug] Start loading known credentials
[Debug] Finish loading known credentials
[Debug] We have 1 credentials in total.
[Debug] 0 Known-Credentials found.
[Debug] Start loading unknown-credentials
[Debug] Finish loading unknown-credentials
[Debug] 0 credentials found.
[Normal] No working credential for
[Normal] Finish scan for
[Debug] Getting 0 HostInfo (RAW)
[Debug] Start getting DeviceInfo.
[Debug] Start getting knownCredentials
[Debug] Finish getting knownCredentials
[Debug] We have 1 possible known credentials for the ip
[Debug] Trying to use credential with ID c4744caa-1f38-42bd-833e-eea4ce7c41ab
[Debug] Initiate SNMP with credential: c4744caa-1f38-42bd-833e-eea4ce7c41ab
[Debug] Start SNMP connection
[Debug] Time connection is 0 ms
[Debug] Ping status is Success
[Debug] ContextName value changed to -
[Debug] Start building command list
[Debug] Finish building command list
[Debug] Credential type SNMP_V1_V2 trying to connect
[Debug] Start adding result data from snmp-data result.
[Debug] Processing 1 SNMP results.
[Debug] Start getting mac and data value from snmp-data result
[Debug] id not related to Mac address
[Debug] Adding data for variable
[Debug] id not related to Mac address
[Debug] Finish getting mac and data value from snmp-data result
[Debug] Finish adding result data from snmp-data result.
[Debug] Start adding command to cache
[Debug] Adding command result to cache was successful
[Debug] Trying SNMP-Connection (SNMP_V1_V2) (c4744caa-1f38-42bd-833e-eea4ce7c41ab) to - used 0.0389528 seconds - result: True
[Debug] Finish connection
[Normal] Connected to with Device-Credential: c4744caa-1f38-42bd-833e-eea4ce7c41ab
[Debug] Mac is null.
[Debug] Getting basic scan info
[Debug] Scan Threads: waiting=0, running=1, stopped=0, sum=1
[Debug] Scan Threads: waiting=0, running=1, stopped=0, sum=1
[Debug] Scan Threads: waiting=0, running=1, stopped=0, sum=1
[Debug] Scan Threads: waiting=0, running=1, stopped=0, sum=1
[Debug] Scan Threads: waiting=0, running=1, stopped=0, sum=1
[Normal] Aborting scan for ScanSetting: 00004 IP: TaskID: 000001
[Normal] Operation was canceled!
[Normal] Abort scan after 10 minutes for
[Debug] File /opt/Discovery/credentials.known deleted successfully
[Debug] Trying to load settings
[Debug] Finished load settings
[Debug] There are 1 credentials to save
[Debug] Starting credentials encrypt
[Debug] Encrypt credentials was started
[Debug] Encrypt credentials was successful
[Debug] Credentials encrypted successfully
[Normal] -------------- Discovery scan Statistic --------------
[Normal] Possible IPs: 1
[Normal] Reachable Host/Devices: 1
[Normal] Canceled Hosts: 1
[Normal] Full scan time 600 seconds with 4 threads.
[Normal] -----------------------------------------------
[Debug] Error getting MAC from IP
[Normal] Exceptions:
[Normal] Thread was being aborted.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.IO.MonoIO.Read(intptr,byte[],int,int,System.IO.MonoIOError&)
at System.IO.MonoIO.Read (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle safeHandle, System.Byte[] dest, System.Int32 dest_offset, System.Int32 count, System.IO.MonoIOError& error) [0x00010] in <5dfd69ae4e3b402db546d8ded6fc755e>:0
at System.IO.FileStream.ReadData (System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle safeHandle, System.Byte[] buf, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x00002] in <5dfd69ae4e3b402db546d8ded6fc755e>:0
at System.IO.FileStream.ReadInternal (System.Byte[] dest, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x00026] in <5dfd69ae4e3b402db546d8ded6fc755e>:0
at System.IO.FileStream.Read (System.Byte[] array, System.Int32 offset, System.Int32 count) [0x000a1] in <5dfd69ae4e3b402db546d8ded6fc755e>:0
at System.IO.StreamReader.ReadBuffer () [0x000b3] in <5dfd69ae4e3b402db546d8ded6fc755e>:0
at System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEnd () [0x00059] in <5dfd69ae4e3b402db546d8ded6fc755e>:0
at Insight.Discovery.Tools.Networking.NetworkService.GetMAC (System.String ip) [0x00062] in <ea24008483004eca87f5124203e57823>:0
[Error] Error getting basic scan info.
[Normal] Exceptions:
[Normal] Thread was being aborted.
at Insight.Discovery.Tools.Networking.NetworkService.GetMAC (System.String ip) [0x0008c] in <ea24008483004eca87f5124203e57823>:0
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.ProviderHelper.GetBasicScanInfo (System.String ip, System.String credentialId, System.String mac) [0x00032] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
[Error] Error getting Device Information.
[Normal] Exceptions:
[Normal] Thread was being aborted.
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.ProviderHelper.GetBasicScanInfo (System.String ip, System.String credentialId, System.String mac) [0x00115] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.ProviderImplementation.SNMPDeviceProvider.ProviderInfo () [0x00104] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
[Error] Error scanning device
[Normal] Exceptions:
[Normal] Thread was being aborted.
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.ProviderImplementation.SNMPDeviceProvider.ProviderInfo () [0x001ee] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.ProviderFactory.GetDeviceProviderInfo (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] credentials) [0x000ee] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProvider.GetDeviceInfoWithKnownCredentials (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] knownCredentials, Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.IProviderFactory providerContext, System.String ip) [0x00054] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProvider.GetDeviceInfo (Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.IProviderFactory providerContext, System.String ip, System.String scanSettingsEntryId) [0x0003c] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
[Error] Error getting Device-Data.
[Normal] Exceptions:
[Normal] Thread was being aborted.
at Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProvider.GetDeviceInfo (Insight.Discovery.ProviderClasses.AssetProviders.IProviderFactory providerContext, System.String ip, System.String scanSettingsEntryId) [0x00089] in <969392a4fbff45d89c777fe689166d18>:0
at Insight.Discovery.Logic.ScanThread.GetDeviceInfo () [0x00079] in <a3ea24cc4f01482db059daf33fe05fa1>:0

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