Approving a CR by clicking on a link that sends an email to Jira server

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March 5, 2020


We are interested in being able to approve CR's when on a mobile but we cannot access the Jira server from our mobile when not in office.

Is it possible for the Change needs approval email to contain a link that generates a pre formatted email that is sent to the server to approve a CR?


1 answer

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Andrew Laden
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March 6, 2020

I use the "Herzum Approval" add in instead of the built in approval with JSD. One of the many reason is that I was able to do exactly that. Herzum sends out a email that includes specific "mailto" links that a user can click on to send a reply. I actually worked with their support to specifically implement this feature.

Not sure if that is an option for you. But its a nice addin

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